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Are you looking to maximize the viewing potential in your yard? A fountainscape may be a great option for you. The Pond Nerds of Long Island NY specialize in installing Aquascape fountain components. Just like a pondless waterfall, a fountainscape utilizes a hidden modular basin for water storage. The possibilities with a fountainscape are limitless. Beautiful arrays of fountain components can be mixed together, coupled with landscaping, lighting, and boulders to create a true jaw-dropping spectacle in your space. It is also important to note that all fountainscape products can be incorporated into an ecosystem pond, or pondless waterfall.

Here is a link that provides some insight to the fountain features that The Pond Nerds install. These fountain components are not limited to just water. Are you feeling spicy? Why not combine water and fire! 

Aquascape fountain components

Aquascape fire and water components